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Dates and Times

08 June 2022
09:00 - 10:30

Event for


Building: 29
Room: B31

UCRISE Sports Tek Lab Tour

As a part of UC Research Festival Week, UCRISE invites you to join a tour of the Sports Tek lab to learn about research conducted by the Applied Biomechanics research team.

UCRISE and the Applied Biomechanics research theme has a dedicated research facility equipped with state-of-the-art biomechanical measurement systems. These systems enable us to accurately measure human motion in both the laboratory and field-based environments. Equipment in the laboratory includes:

  • Vicon motion capture system to accurately capture three-dimensional movement of the body in motion during sport, activities of daily living and recreation.
  • AMTI force platforms (400 x 600 mm) to quantify the three orthogonal components of the forces generated at foot ground contact during activities such as landing.
  • Treadmetrix Instrumented treadmill to quantify the three orthogonal components of the forces generated at foot ground contact during running.
  • Delsys Trigno 16 channelEMG system to measure muscle activation patterns and intensity during dynamic movements.
  • Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull – Kistler force plates and a fixed bar system (FitTechh) allow the calculation of peak force and RFD in this gold standard test measure

Tours will start at 9:00 am, 9.30 am and 10:00 am and will take about 20-30 minutes. 

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