By Octavia Coleman

Creative Writing
Mater Dei Catholic College, Wagga Wagga - Year 12
'PADA DESZCZ' explores the ways trauma effects how humans interact and engage with the immediate world. The short story of a girl, her evasive great-grandmother and their jeopardized relationship highlights how a past - surviving the holocaust in this case - can effect effect characters states of beings. The third person narrator allows there to be a shift between character lenses, and allows the audience greater insight into the private worlds of both 'girl' and 'crow', and ultimately the sources of human motivation.

I wrote this piece in memory of my own grandmother, Angela Basha Skapski, whom survived Majdanek concentration camp and the bombing of Warsaw. I was inspired to write this not only because her story deserves to be told, but because I have noticed that with time, my families culture and history, is fading. It has become an undertone, and that is why this piece is so significant to me. Writing is a fundamental of Western civilization - a tool to remember, to commemorate the injustices of the past, and to learn from our mistakes.

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