The News & Media Research Centre Conference 2013
Emerging Issues in Communication Research and Policy
call for papers submissions additional info register contact us n&mrc
UPDATE: Proceedings of the Emerging Issues in Communication Research & Policy Conference, 2103 - Refereed Papers is now available via this link (pdf, 9MB)
Dates: Monday 18th - Tuesday 19th November 2013
Location: Ann Harding Conference Centre, University of Canberra
A Full Program for the conference is now available for download.
Building on the success of the 2012 symposium on the future of the National Broadband Network, the News and Media Research Centre will be hosting its inaugural conference on 'Emerging Issues in Communication Research and Policy' this November. The aim of this forum is to bring together academic researchers, media practitioners and government professionals working in the media, Internet and telecommunications fields to facilitate analysis and critique of the impact of the changing media landscape and regulatory frameworks on the public.
Keynote Speakers
The N&MRC is pleased to announce that Professor Peter Lunt (University of Leicester, UK) and Professor Catherine Middleton (Ryerson University, Canada) will be giving keynote addresses.
Peter Lunt is the Head of Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. His research examines media audiences, public participation in popular culture, media consumption, the links between media and social theory, the mediation of public engagement and political culture, and changing conceptions of public service media. He has recently been engaged in media policy research focusing on the changing regime of regulation of media and communications, and is the co-author of Media Regulation: Governance in the Interest of Citizens and Consumers (2012, Sage).
Catherine Middleton holds the Canada Research Chair in Communication Technologies in the Information Society at the Ted Rogers School of Management at Ryerson University. Her research focuses on the development and use of mobile and fixed communication infrastructures, with particular interest in the development of strategies and policies to ensure consumers have access to high quality, affordable and innovative communication services. Catherine has a long-standing interest in the telecommunications sector in Australia, and has been following the development of the National Broadband Network since its inception. She leads the Digital Infrastructures project for the GRAND Network of Centres of Excellence, and is a member of the board of directors of CANARIE, Canada’s advanced research and innovation network.
Call for Papers
The conference invites submissions relating to broadcast media, the Internet and / or telecommunications that broadly explore the implications of a changing media landscape. Submission details are provided below. Possible topic areas include, but are not limited to, theoretical and practical studies of:
- Communication Policy: Implications of telecommunications, Internet and media policies and regulations for consumers; assessment of media policy performance; national broadband network developments; the mediatisation of policy-making processes, its implications for social policy and effects on everyday life.
- Media: Changing news media production, distribution and consumption practices; the future of public and community media; the impact of changing media processes on public interest and democracy; multiple media use by industry, government and communities; discursive construction of issues across different media platforms.
- Consumers / Citizens: Consumers’ changing media practices, understandings and choices; the digital divide, literacy, inclusion and engagement; changing conceptions of audiences and publics; perspectives on consumer/audience and end-user experiences; new mechanisms for public discourse and political/social/cultural practices.
Submission Details
Submissions are welcome in either abstract only or full paper form. Abstract only submissions should briefly outline the topic area to be presented. Full papers must adhere to the formatting template provided below.
Word Limits:
Abstracts: 250 words
Full Papers: 5,000 words maximum (including abstract and reference lists)
Submission: Please email abstracts and full papers in Word format to
Full papers will be double blind peer-reviewed. Please ensure author(s) names are removed from both within the text and the properties of the document. Papers should be submitted in Word format (.doc or .docx) and follow the APA referencing style.
Accepted full papers will be published in the conference proceedings, which will have an ISBN and be made publicly available via the N&MRC website.
Selected papers from the conference will be invited to be published in the Australian Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy (see Authors selected for submission to this issue will be contacted prior to the conference.
Formatting and Referencing Guides:
A formatting template for full papers can be downloaded here (Word, 109KB)
A full paper review form is available via this link (Word, 67.5KB)
Important Dates
Full Papers Due (refereed streams): closed
Abstracts Due (non-refereed streams): closed
Notification of Outcome: 1 October 2013
Revised Paper Deadline: 1 December 2013
Additional Information
The conference will be held in the Ann Harding Conference Centre at the University of Canberra.
A full program for the conference is now available for download (pdf, 1MB).
Links to additional practical information can be found below:
Call for Papers | Accommodation | Campus Map | Transport
The registration fees for the two-day conference are as follows:
Standard rate - $300
Student rate - $150*
*Students: please either email a copy of your valid student ID card to or present the card when registering at the conference.
The registration fee includes conference catering consisting of morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea on both days. Please indicate any special dietary requirements upon registration.
Conference registration is now open and can be made via the link.
Contact Us
Enquiries can be made to