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Frequently Asked Questions

Is reporting on end-user engagement mandatory?


Who is required to report on end-user engagement?

Any student at UC within an HDR program who is considered a current student must report on end-user engagement. This includes students who are:

  • enrolled,
  • on intermission,
  • on leave,
  • under examination (including the undertaking revisions),
  • those students who are not yet conferred with the HDR award,
  • those who have not undertaken any research end-user engagement. In this instance, "No" is reported against each engagement type.

What if I have no end-user engagement to report?

You are still required to confirm that you’ve undertaken no engagement activity. You can simply provide “No” as your response to each engagement type.

What if I have multiple research end-user engagement activities in a reporting period?

You can record as many end-user engagements as you have undertaken.

When do I need to provide information on end-user engagement?

The University is required to report on research end-user engagement to the Department of Education and Training in 'near real time'. This means you should enter your engagement as soon as they occur, or as close to as possible, so they reported in 'near real time'.

Can formal training include training from an external provider, or internally provided at the HEP?

Formal training can be reported if it is delivered by the Higher Education Provider (e.g., your university or another university) or an external organisation.