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Become a Ngunnawal Centre tutor

Apply to become a tutor in the Ngunnawal Centre Tutoring Program

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Personal Information
Gender *
Date of Birth *
Background *
Address Information

Please enter your postcode in 4 digit format (No spaces, no characters)

Registration Process
Are you registered with UC? *
e.g s123654
Academic Qualifications *
Supporting Documentation Checklist

In addition to submitting this application, please provide the following supporting documentations by email to with the subject line “Tutor Applciation form supporting documentation"

Mandatory Documentation

Qualifications *
Resume *
Photo Identification *
Working with Vulnerable People Card *

Optional Documentation

Visa (if required)

Declaration and Acceptance

Please read and sign.

I declare that the information provided on this form is complete and correct. I understand that:

  • Completion of this form does not guarantee work;
  • Personal information on this form is collected for the management of the Ngunnawal Centre Tutoring Program and will assist in the matching of students to tutors; and
  • The provision of false and misleading information is a serious offence.

The University of Canberra (UC) is subject to the provisions of the ACT’s Information Privacy Act 2014 and you are entitled to protection of your personal information. This means that any information we collect about you, including personal details, academic progress details, and personal welfare information, is treated by UC according to the law and applicable policy. This means that we do not use or disclose any personal information we hold about you, including your address, or your results, even to close relatives, without your permission or as permitted by law.

By signing and submitting this form, you consent to UC using and disclosing your personal information as described above and in UC’s Privacy Policy (available at

For more information, please email UC’s Privacy Contact Officer on at

Tutor Acceptance *