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The Media and Indigenous Policy Database


Indigenous health newspaper articles


The methodology designed and employed throughout the project is detailed in the following document, which can be downloaded here as a .pdf file (334KB): methodology.

An index of Indigenous Health Articles appearing in the three newspapers investigated in the study is available here:

The Sydney Morning Herald (pdf 2.5MB) 

The Courier Mail (pdf 2.2MB)

The Australian (pdf 3.9MB)

The following documents are a collection of articles on Indigenous Health Policy from the above three newspapers, compiled by year.

1988 (pdf 1.11MB) 1989 (pdf 821KB) 1994 (pdf 1.29MB)
1995 (pdf 1.44MB) 2002 (pdf 1.14MB) 2003 (pdf 1.22MB)
2006 (pdf 1.2MB)

2007 (pdf 1.92MB)

The following documents are indexed by keywords.

Alcohol & Drugs (pdf 2.3MB) Child Health (pdf 2.6MB) Disease (pdf 1.35MB)
Health Funding (pdf 2.2MB) Health Standards (pdf 2.93MB) Intervention(pdf 1MB)
Living Conditions (pdf 2.5MB) Medical Services (pdf 1.57MB) Suicide (pdf 597KB)
Violence (1.61MB) Women's Health (pdf 1.24MB)